
The "Ship Rock" is located just meters off the coast of Cape Enfola, the dive takes place on the outer side of the big rock that, seen from a distance, resembling a ship. You can keep different depths because of the rock wall is very beautiful from 0 to 25 mt, wherever we have yellow gorgonias (Eunicella cavolini) everywhere inhabited by groupers and numerous Octopuses. Instead going offshore we find a wall from 20 meters falls almost vertically up to 40 and here it will be appropriate to always look in the blue to see pelagic fish passage. So this is a point where you can make two separate groups of divers for level although both profiles are beautiful and deserve a single exploration. The part closest to the surface offers special meetings with nudibranchs and sometimes you find pipefish and seahorses.


 Depth 0-45 mt
Type wall
Level easy
Current light/mild


